Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I know you're anxious to find out, so a couple of quick updates before I go to work. Maybe more later, we'll see:
* I am officially back to 40 hours per week. They're doing some position changes at work, but rather than hiring/firing any admin assistants they're just giving me more work and more hours, in the reservations dept.. I should probably be annoyed with this but it's an entire one day more I wasn't able to work before and it was something I wanted to learn how to do anyway. Pad the resume, baby.
*One of my friends (my friend Matt's wife) got the position as the new Sales admin at work. Yay Angela!
*I did get TFU game, but I didn't go to the party. I'm turning 23 in a couple of weeks and I'm married. I decided it would be better to spend the time with my wife, so that's what I did. She studied; I ironed some shirts. :-) w00t.
So that's the update...gotta go to work now!


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