Thursday, March 30, 2006

Yes, I am still alive

I am, as you have guessed, not yet dead. However, I have been extraordinarily busy. Well, extraordinarily for me...lately. Um yeah, so I've been busy. Extraordinarily.

Kudos should go to me as I am at the same job. I haven't yet managed to get the manager to do my 90-day review, but since she spends most of her time in court with her son (don't ask, because I don't know), it's not exactly possible. I would be shocked if I got anything less than favorable since, after all, I still work there.

Abigail ran into said manager in Target the other day when we were doing our registry. (So for those of you who are reading this, we are registered at Target. Buy me stuff. And if you don't like what we picked out, give me-ahem- us a gift card. You know, for us. Not just me. ) That was, incidentally, great fun and amusement, mostly for me. I got to use the scanning gun for most of the time, but after a while she couldn't take it anymore and I had to give it up. Really, Meg, you should know by now: give a guy something to play with, and he will play. That's what we do. No guy reading this wouldn't have used the opportunity to shoot lazer beams at others. And random packages. And in your eye to see what happens. I think I've made my point.

Abigail and I also picked out a new apartment that I will move into in about a month. I will throw a moving party (read: help me move stuff) at that time. I will get to live there alone for about three months. Needless to say, I am psyched. Granted, less than three months of independent bachelorhood isn't that glamarous, but it is certainly nothing to sneeze at.

I haven't seen much of anyone lately, and for those of you I should be seeing, I apologize. Most of you have my new number, and if you don't and you would like it, let me know. Until next time, same Bat time, same Bat channel.

Monday, March 20, 2006

I hate surprises...except today

I found someone on (yes, I was really, really bored) that I haven't talked to in like 12 years, but she was one of my dearest friends back then. Yes, I said she. I liked girls early. Anyway, that was pretty cool. She goes to MIT now, making me feel intimidated E-mailing her. I know what you're thinking. Scott, you do go to Mesa Community College. Isn't that on par with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? Well, I suppose it is. Go me. Same education, 1/3 of the money. Plus less cold. That's what I'm telling myself in order to sleep tonight, anyway.

Additionally, I have two job interviews this week as well as like eight more apps out waiting to be scanned so that more potential employers can observe my greatness via resume. Of course, I may have taken a little creative license, but if you don't tell them I wasn't really Vice President of Movie Gallery, neither will I. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I hear myself screaming for change. I need to move, I need to have a job. I need to lose weight, and I need to learn to swing dance. Um...well, maybe not that last one, but I would love to learn to play the guitar. That would be most excellent. Mostly I just want to have a life I can be proud of. I am extremely tired of telling people I still live with my parents, although statistically speaking I'm still pretty normal. That's what I'm telling myself.

One last thing and then I'm going to bed. Have you ever noticed that Sam's Club/Costco is really evil? They are, and yet so beautiful at the same time. I will walk in there intending to get a hot dog (they have really good hot dogs), and I will inevitably walk out with that 3 pound box of Cheez-It's, or the ridiculously massive case of IBC root beer. I am helpless against its power. I mean, they give out free samples of stuff. I could walk around the store two or three times and have a complete meal!

So, yeah. That’s it for tonight. Have yourself a pleasant existence, and as always, don't eat the yellow snow. Unless it's a lemon snow cone. That's okay.

Monday, March 13, 2006

I suck at life

I went to the mall with my sister today and saw "Pride and Prejudice," which incidentally was very good. Much better than I thought it would be. Anyway, I had a good time, but that's not necessarily a good thing. You see, when the movie first came out Abigail wanted me to go see it with her, but I didn't want to. I later said I would, but she was going to see it with her mom by then. Curiously, she didn't like it.

It occurred to me as we were coming out of the movie that I would have enjoyed seeing it more with Abigail. I love spending time with Susan, and I am glad she likes my company, but there are differences. I am confronted with the fact that I am not nearly as good at being there for her as I'd like. I mean, I am confident that I have come a long way since my previous relationships, if nothing else for the fact that this one has lasted so long. Nonetheless, I realize now that I am not as infallible as I would lead myself to believe.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006


I have been amused lately by several things. One of them (or two) is the Dane Cook media I bought. I say "media" because it had both CD's and DVD's, so yeah. Much happiness has generated from them. Additionally, I finally got Josh's PS2 working. W00t! Granted, it doesn't compare in some ways to the awesome yet evil XBOX 360 (also in my room, but mostly not owned by me), yet has its own appeal. One of these appealing features is that, to my knowledge, Sony's executives still have souls. Bill Gates...not so much. That doesn't make me enjoy Halo any less, though, so I'm not sure who is the bigger sellout is; him or me.

I took my RE school test yesterday. Wow. I felt like my spirit had been broken into 200 tiny pieces after I was done. It was 200 questions and took me 3 hours. At least 40 minutes of that was doodling or staring into was hard! I needed a 75, and l got a 53. That's pretty close, though, or at least closer than a 52. I realize that that's not amusing, but I hope it will be when I look back on it years from now.

It's funny to me how suddenly things have changed with my friends with the presence of the 360. I barely see Bock, but he comes over all the time now with the others. It's pretty cool, but amusing nonetheless.

Finally, my friend Micah got jumped last night. Yes, I know, this shouldn't be amusing, but if you knew the story, and especially if you know Micah, you would understand. In all fairness to me, though, I asked him if he was okay, and started laughing only after determining that he is. So points for me.

Lastly, I just have to give a shout out to Greg. Despite the overwhelming pressure of his existential dilemma regarding the rapidly-widening black hole in the pit of his broken heart, he still maintains a sense of humor. Hang in there, buddy.