Monday, March 13, 2006

I suck at life

I went to the mall with my sister today and saw "Pride and Prejudice," which incidentally was very good. Much better than I thought it would be. Anyway, I had a good time, but that's not necessarily a good thing. You see, when the movie first came out Abigail wanted me to go see it with her, but I didn't want to. I later said I would, but she was going to see it with her mom by then. Curiously, she didn't like it.

It occurred to me as we were coming out of the movie that I would have enjoyed seeing it more with Abigail. I love spending time with Susan, and I am glad she likes my company, but there are differences. I am confronted with the fact that I am not nearly as good at being there for her as I'd like. I mean, I am confident that I have come a long way since my previous relationships, if nothing else for the fact that this one has lasted so long. Nonetheless, I realize now that I am not as infallible as I would lead myself to believe.

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