Saturday, June 13, 2009

Behold, the shiny newness!

You have all waited patiently, although some more than others, and now I have unveiled my new creation: the newest incarnation of the Scott Blog! In all seriousness, this has actually taken me a few days to put together, so I hope you like it. Part of the delay was all of the archived postings from my old MySpace blog, which my subscribers may have noticed already. If not, check the Blog Archive on the right side and you will notice 17 "new" posts in addition to this one.

I manipulated the post dates (and times) so they would come out as if they were posted on the day I had posted the original entry on MySpace. You're impressed, I know. The reason for that is I have finally done what I've been saying I'd do all along and deleted my MySpace account. Didn't see any use for it any more so I cut off the dead weight, so to speak. Now all I have is this and Facebook. Some day I may get a Twitter account, but that's not a huge priority right now.

Hopefully someone else appreciates the new game on here as much as I has penguins!!! I didn't get rid of Hangman; it's just on the bottom now. I may put it back on the top but under Conquer Antarctica...any thoughts? I'm really pleased with how this has turned out and I hope you are too. Please be sure to let me know what you think as I've worked hard the last few days.

Lastly, I did run a spell check on the old entries but aside from that they are there just as I wrote them then, so feel free to comment on them. It was a fun treat to go back and look at some of my thoughts during the past couple of years. Unfortunately due to formatting errors with Word I actually lost the very first two or three I made, but oh well; I got most of them.


An RN is Born said...

Yaaaay!! I like it! Do you know Antarctica is spelled wrong at the very top?? Is that part of the game and something you can't change??

Andrew Meeusen said...

Nice new format, Mr. S! Very, shall I say, snazzy.

Also, re: your comment on the Navy: The whole doing-what-you're-told-when-you're-told-because-you're-told-to thing isn't something I'd be worried about. I liken it to working retail, where I have to do what I'm told when I'm told for the simple reason that my boss told me to do it. Unless it's illegal, my refusal to "follow orders" would only result in disciplinary action or dismissal from employment in that setting. Same thing in the armed services. Actually, my only real worry would be in not being able to complete the physical requirements posed by basic training. I'm not in the best shape, and so that would be a challenge. It is something I am yet considering, and I plan to meet with a recruiter sometime soonish to discuss the possibilities.